The following news and blog posts detail the major updates, media coverage of research, and accomplishments by members of the RISC Lab.
The following news and blog posts detail the major updates, media coverage of research, and accomplishments by members of the RISC Lab.
My colleagues and I, led by Dr. Allison Skinner-Dorkenoo at the University of Georgia, recently published "A systemic approach to the psychology of racial bias within individuals and society" in the journal Nature Reviews Psychology! (Link)
I have been named the early career winner of the 2023 Association for Psychological Science (APS) Science and Entrepreneurship Poster Award! The research award was covered in the APS Observer. I presented this research poster at the 2023 APS Annual Co... (Link)
I gave an invited research presentation, entitled Wise Paths and Rash Pitfalls to Human Flourishing, to the Texas Tech University Institute for Inclusive Excellence and the Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development Center.
I am excited to announce that my recent collaborative work on the social psychological benefits of attending HBCU medical schools is published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine! (Link)
Honors student Skylar Brooks was inducted in the international honors society in psychology Psi Chi! Congrats!
UCA Director of Communications Katrina Dupins writes a story about my research. (Link)
Congratulations to former RISC Lab member Madison Yarbrough for being elected as the undergraduate officer representative to the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA)! (Link)
Journalist Eric W. Dolan writes a story about my recent research on racial stereotypes of risk-taking in PsyPost. (Link)
I presented a virtual Data Blitz on the Perceptions of Environmental Risk-taking to the Sustainability preconference at the 2022 annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). (Link)
Northwestern Medill graduate student journalist MacKenzie Coffman writes a story about my work on racial stereotypes of risk and racial bias in science. (Link)
Former RISC Lab members Madison Yarbrough and Niyah Lane will present a research poster titled at the 2022 annual convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Journalist Jon Edelman writes about my recent publication of racial stereotypes regarding risk-taking in the outlet Diverse Issues in Higher Education. (Link)
Journalist Stephanie Kulke writes a story about my research that finds that racial stereotypes to shape perceptions of risk-takers in Northwestern Now. (Link)
Thrilled announcement time: My original work on racial stereotypes of risk-taking has been published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.! (Link)
Milestone moment! I have officially launched the Research in Social Cognition (RISC) Lab at UCA! The acronym "RISC" is a play on a theme of risk in my research program. (Link)
Big news: I have officially started a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Psychology and Counseling at the University of Central Arkansas! I am very excited to join the psychology, UCA, and Conway communities. Go Bears! (Link)